Callebaut de Blicquy
Check out the new website of Callebaut de Blicquy and learn about our dyeing and bleaching solutions.
Cretes Tech Center...
or simply CTC is now open for business. The CTC is our brand new test facility with among other things a decortication line, a fibre processing line and a core cleaning system. The facility hosts a complete demo processing line for natural fibers, featuring a decortication line, a fibre cleaning line and a shive cleaning system. This facility isn't merely a showcase; it will serve as a hub of experimentation, training and advancement. Here, we will demonstrate our capabilities to new clients, conduct tests on materials provided by customers, and explore new technologies to enhance existing machinery. Interested to learn more about the CTC? Do not hesitate and contact us now.
Textile hemp harvesting - patented!
Click on the image to learn more about our solutions for harvesting of long fibre textile hemp and the processing of the straw into high value fibres.
Cretes in the spotlight
Want to see what happens behind the screens at Cretes? Click on the picture for a short video about our people, our engineering department and our workshop.
Over 100 years
of experience
Company of the
Valtech Group